Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Top 10 Software Companies in India 2010-2011 | Leading Software Companies in India Feb 20, 2011

1. Tata Consultancy Services: 
Part of the TtcsATA Group, which is well respected for high ethics and good performance, the Mumbai-based TCS is one of the oldest and a leading software company in India. This software giant with a turnover of over US$ 1.50 billion has been in operation since 1968 and has its facilities in 34 countries. Interestingly, TCS started operations by providing software support for a US Insurance firm, Sun Life; way before the word ‘outsourcing’ was coined! TCS offers IT services across sectors – Financial services, to Insurance, to Manufacturing, to Healthcare and life sciences. The performance of its Engineering and Industrial Services division helped it win the Frost & Sullivan Company of the Year award in 2006.

2.Infosys Technologies: 
Incorporated in 1981, Infosys needs little introduction.
The company, infosyswhich is headquartered in Bangalore, takes pride in its timely and accurate delivery using what they call “a low-risk Global Delivery Model (GDM)” and touched a turnover of US$ 2.15 billion in the year ended March 2006. It employs over 58,000 and has been lauded for creating jobs back in the US, where many of its clients are based. It has over 40 development centers across the globe. In a survey conducted by Business Week and Boston Consulting Group, of the World’s Most Innovative Companies, Infosys was ranked #10 in the Asia-Pacific region. (

3. Wipro: wipro
Based in Bangalore, Wipro is a top IT company of India. Its core area of business covers infrastructure solutions, consumer care and other professional and business solutions. Known as one of the largest independent R&D Services provider in the world, turnover from this area of operations alone was over US$ 1 billion in 2005-06. The company has developed the concept of ‘Centers of Excellence’ and has over 40 such
centers that create solutions around specific needs of industries.

4. Satyam Computers: satyam-jpg
Headquartered in Hyderabad, Satyam was established in 1987 and is a success story. Ranked 4th among the Indian software exporters in this NASSCOM survey, Satyam is listed on the New York stock exchange and has its presence across 12 countries and employs over 30,000. Banking and Financial services, Insurance and Telecom are some of the industries where it has domain expertise. The turnover for year ended March 2006 over US$ 1 billion(

5. HCL Technologies:  
HCL Technologies, based in Delhi, offers IT services in the areas of Banking, Insurance, Life ScienceHCLs, Retail etc. The company, along with its subsidiaries, registered a sales of US$ 976 million in the year ended June 2006 and it employees over 32,000 professionals. HCL Technologies & HCL Infosystems function under the umbrella of the HCL Enterprises, which clocked over US$ 3 billion in sales in the year 2005-06.

6. Patni Computers: 
Headquartered in Mumbai, Patni has a global presence. Listed on the New York Stock Exchange, Patni and has 23 salespatni offices and employs over 12,000 professionals. It provides IT services across many sectors, like Insurance, Finance Service, manufacturing and product engineering. Supply Chain Management is one of its areas of expertise. For the year ended December 2005 the company clocked a revenue
of US $ 450 million and 85% of this came from its operations in the US.

7. I Flex solutions: 
Headquartered in Mumbai, I-Flex solutions is a leading Indian Banking Software provider. Oracle bought 41% of its equity in 2005 and its entry is expected to make the presence of I-Flex stronger in the banking industry. It employiflexs over 7000 people and this number is expected to more than double in the coming year. I-Flex is considered a leader in providing solution to the financial services industry and its revenue in 2004–05 was over US$ 262 million.

8. Tech Mahindra: tech-mahindra
Headquartered in Pune, India, Tech Mahindra was earlier known as Mahindra British Telecom. Incorporated in 1988, it is a joint venture between Mahindra & Mahindra and the British Telecommunication. Service to the telecom industry is its core area of strength. Presently it has development centers across 6 cities in India.

9. Perot Systems: 
The Company, wperothich started operation in NOIDA in 1997, has signed up as an Advanced Business Partner for IBM and with BEA as their Technology alliance partner. Other than NOIDA, it has a large development center in Bangalore, in Surrey, UK, in Singapore and in Dallas, US.

10. L & T Infotech: 
Like TCS, this company too has the backing of an existing, successful and respected company in L&TIndia, Larsen and Toubro, an Engineering and Construction major. The focus areas of L & T Infotech are Application Maintenance as well as Application Development, ERP-II implementations and Integration of systems within and across enterprises. This too will be a company to watch out for and has facilities in Mumbai, Chennai and Bangalore and the number of employees is expected to touch 9,000 by end 2006. It hopes to double its revenue to around US$ 350 – 400 million by 2008.(

Top 5 Richest Royals of the World – List 2

5 .Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Dubai
Fortune: $12 billion (down $6 billion)
Age: 59
Ruler of Dubai, an emirate of the United Arab Emirates, was forced to ask for a handout from neighbor Abu Dhabi when credit markets tanked. State-owned Dubai World owns DP World Ltd., the third-largest international port operator; Istithmar World, a private equity firm that acquired Barney’s New York in 2007; and Nakheel PJSC, builder of palm-shaped islands in the Persian Gulf. Growth of such assets required high level of borrowing; when credit markets contracted, concerns arose about its $80 billion combined government and state-owned company debt. After months of bickering, Abu Dhabi bought $10 billion worth of five-year bonds; a permanent fix is still being hammered out. One of the largest racehorse owners in the world, his Darley Stud owns 68 stallions and operates stables in six countries, including Japan, Australia and the U.S.
4 .King Abdullah bin Abul Aziz, Saudi Arabia
Fortune: $17 billion (down $4 billion)
Age: 85
In June, put together lavish reception for U.S. President Barack Obama, presenting him with a gold medallion, Saudi Arabia’s highest honor. The pomp overshadowed the country’s slumping economy, which has trimmed royal net worth by $4 billion this year. Supports the $27 billion King Abdullah Economic City, a massive 20-year development started in 2006 that the government hopes will become the new industrial hub of the Middle East and a way for the nation to diversify its economy beyond oil. Proactive on peace: last year hosted interfaith dialogues between major political and religious leaders in New York, Mecca and Madrid.
3 . Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahayan, United Arab Emirates
Fortune: $18 billion (down $5 billion)
Age: 61
President of the UAE and hereditary ruler of its capital emirate, Abu Dhabi. Tanking oil prices and a 50% decline in the country’s nascent stock market helped shave $5 billion from the king’s fortune. Forced to bail out neighbor Dubai to the tune of $10 billion. Efforts to transform Abu Dhabi into Middle East’s cultural epicenter with outposts of the Louvre and Guggenheim museums overshadowed by allegations that the king’s half-brother was involved in the torture of an Afghan expat. The Emir has since kicked the accused off his cabinet.
2.  Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah, Brunei
Fortune: $20 billion (no change)
Age: 62
The 29th Sultan of Brunei is heir to an unbroken 600-year-old Muslim dynasty. Kingdom’s wealth based on extensive petroleum and natural gas fields; also investments made by Brunei Investment Agency, the $30 billion sovereign wealth fund that owns luxury hotels such as London’s Dorchester. Continues to battle brother, Prince Jefri, over allegedly misappropriated assets; most recently, the Brunei Investment Agency sought a court order to compel the prince to hand over title to a $100 million mansion in Singapore. The Sultan’s 26-year-old son, Prince Azim, fourth-in-line to the throne, quit the U.K.’s Royal Military Academy Sandhurst training course in October after just one week.
1.  King Bhumibol Adulyadej, Thailand
Fortune: $30 billion (down $5 billion)
Age: 81
World’s longest-reigning monarch is revered like a demigod on par with Buddha. U.S.-born, Swiss-educated ruler remains unifying force in an increasingly politically tumultuous state divided among the elite, middle and rural classes.. The declining economy, which slipped into recession in the first quarter, may fuel further tensions. Monarch’s wealth is held in trust for the state and includes public investments in companies such as Siam Cement and Siam Commercial Bank as well as vast land holdings, including some 3,500 acres in Bangkok managed by the Crown Property Bureau. Thai government officials stress these holdings are not the king’s personal wealth, but held in trust for the state.
For list 6 to 10 CLICK


Often called the language of the universe, mathematics is fundamental to our understanding of the world and, as such, is vitally important in a modern society such as ours. Everywhere you look it is likely mathematics has made an impact, from the faucet in your kitchen to the satellite that beams your television programs to your home. As such, great mathematicians are undoubtedly going to rise above the rest and have their name embedded within history. This list documents some such people. By rated them based on contributions and how they effected mathematics at the time, as well as their lasting effect. Also suggest one looks deeper into the lives of these men, as they are truly fascinating people and their discoveries are astonishing – too much to include here. As always, such lists are highly subjective and as such please include your own additions in the comments!

10 Pythagoras of Samos
Greek Mathematician Pythagoras is considered by some to be one of the first great mathematicians. Living around 570 to 495 BC, in modern day Greece, he is known to have founded the Pythagorean cult, who were noted by Aristotle to be one of the first groups to actively study and advance mathematics. He is also commonly credited with the Pythagorean Theorem within trigonometry. However, some sources doubt that is was him who constructed the proof (Some attribute it to his students, or Baudhayana, who lived some 300 years earlier in India). Nonetheless, the effect of such, as with large portions of fundamental mathematics, is commonly felt today, with the theorem playing a large part in modern measurements and technological equipment, as well as being the base of a large portion of other areas and theorems in mathematics. But, unlike most ancient theories, it played a bearing on the development of geometry, as well as opening the door to the study of mathematics as a worthwhile endeavor. Thus, he could be called the founding father of modern mathematics.

9 Andrew Wiles 
The only currently living mathematician on this list, Andrew Wiles is most well known for his proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem: That no positive integers, a, b and c can satisfy the equation a^n+b^n=c^n For n greater then 2. (If n=2 it is the Pythagoras Formula). Although the contributions to math are not, perhaps, as grand as other on this list, he did ‘invent’ large portions of new mathematics for his proof of the theorem. Besides, his dedication is often admired by most, as he quite literally shut himself away for 7 years to formulate a solution. When it was found that the solution contained an error, he returned to solitude for a further year before the solution was accepted. To put in perspective how ground breaking and new the math was, it had been said that you could count the number of mathematicians in the world on one hand who, at the time, could understand and validate his proof. Nonetheless, the effects of such are likely to only increase as time passes (and more and more people can understand it).
8 Isaac Newton and Wilhelm Leibniz
I have placed these two together as they are both often given the honor of being the ‘inventor’ of modern infinitesimal calculus, and as such have both made monolithic contributions to the field. To start, Leibniz is often given the credit for introducing modern standard notation, notably the integral sign. He made large contributions to the field of Topology. Whereas all round genius Isaac Newton has, because of the grand scientific epic Principia, generally become the primary man hailed by most to be the actual inventor of calculus. Nonetheless, what can be said is that both men made considerable vast contributions in their own manner.

7 Leonardo Pisano Blgollo  
Blgollo, also known as Leonardo Fibonacci, is perhaps one of the middle ages greatest mathematicians. Living from 1170 to 1250, he is best known for introducing the infamous Fibonacci Series to the western world. Although known to Indian mathematicians since approximately 200 BC, it was, nonetheless, a truly insightful sequence, appearing in biological systems frequently. In addition, from this Fibonacci also contributed greatly to the introduction of the Arabic numbering system. Something he is often forgotten for.
Haven spent a large portion of his childhood within North Africa he learned the Arabic numbering system, and upon realizing it was far simpler and more efficient then the bulky Roman numerals, decided to travel the Arab world learning from the leading mathematicians of the day. Upon returning to Italy in 1202, he published his Liber Abaci, whereupon the Arabic numbers were introduced and applied to many world situations to further advocate their use. As a result of his work the system was gradually adopted and today he is considered a major player in the development of modern mathematics.
6 Alan Turing
Computer Scientist and Cryptanalyst Alan Turing is regarded my many, if not most, to be one of the greatest minds of the 20th Century. Having worked in the Government Code and Cypher School in Britain during the second world war, he made significant discoveries and created ground breaking methods of code breaking that would eventually aid in cracking the German Enigma Encryptions. Undoubtedly affecting the outcome of the war, or at least the time-scale.
After the end of the war he invested his time in computing. Having come up with idea of a computing style machine before the war, he is considered one of the first true computer scientists. Furthermore, he wrote a range of brilliant papers on the subject of computing that are still relevant today, notably on Artificial Intelligence, on which he developed the Turing test which is still used to evaluate a computers ‘intelligence’. Remarkably, he began in 1948 working with D. G. Champernowne, an undergraduate acquaintance on a computer chess program for a machine not yet in existence. He would play the ‘part’ of the machine in testing such programs.
5 René Descartes
French Philosopher, Physicist and Mathematician Rene Descartes is best known for his ‘Cogito Ergo Sum’ philosophy. Despite this, the Frenchman, who lived 1596 to 1650, made ground breaking contributions to mathematics. Alongside Newton and Leibniz, Descartes helped provide the foundations of modern calculus (which Newton and Leibniz later built upon), which in itself had great bearing on the modern day field. Alongside this, and perhaps more familiar to the reader, is his development of Cartesian Geometry, known to most as the standard graph (Square grid lines, x and y axis, etc.) and its use of algebra to describe the various locations on such. Before this most geometers used plain paper (or another material or surface) to perform their art. Previously, such distances had to be measured literally, or scaled. With the introduction of Cartesian Geometry this changed dramatically, points could now be expressed as points on a graph, and as such, graphs could be drawn to any scale, also these points did not necessarily have to be numbers. The final contribution to the field was his introduction of superscripts within algebra to express powers. And thus, like many others in this list, contributed to the development of modern mathematical notation.
4 Euclid
Living around 300BC, he is considered the Father of Geometry and his magnum opus: Elements, is one the greatest mathematical works in history, with its being in use in education up until the 20th century. Unfortunately, very little is known about his life, and what exists was written long after his presumed death. Nonetheless, Euclid is credited with the instruction of the rigorous, logical proof for theorems and conjectures. Such a framework is still used to this day, and thus, arguably, he has had the greatest influence of all mathematicians on this list. Alongside his Elements were five other surviving works, thought to have been written by him, all generally on the topic of Geometry or Number theory. There are also another five works that have, sadly, been lost throughout history.

3 G. F. Bernhard Riemann
Bernhard Riemann, born to a poor family in 1826, would rise to become one of the worlds prominent mathematicians in the 19th Century. The list of contributions to geometry are large, and he has a wide range of theorems bearing his name. To name just a few: Riemannian Geometry, Riemannian Surfaces and the Riemann Integral. However, he is perhaps most famous (or infamous) for his legendarily difficult Riemann Hypothesis; an extremely complex problem on the matter of the distributions of prime numbers. Largely ignored for the first 50 years following its appearance, due to few other mathematicians actually understanding his work at the time, it has quickly risen to become one of the greatest open questions in modern science, baffling and confounding even the greatest mathematicians. Although progress has been made, its has been incredibly slow. However, a prize of $1 million has been offered from the Clay Maths Institute for a proof, and one would almost undoubtedly receive a Fields medal if under 40 (The Nobel prize of mathematics). The fallout from such a proof is hypothesized to be large: Major encryption systems are thought to be breakable with such a proof, and all that rely on them would collapse. As well as this, a proof of the hypothesis is expected to use ‘new mathematics’. It would seem that, even in death, Riemann’s work may still pave the way for new contributions to the field, just as he did in life.
2 Carl Friedrich Gauss  
Child prodigy Gauss, the ‘Prince of Mathematics’, made his first major discovery whilst still a teenager, and wrote the incredible Disquisitiones Arithmetical, his magnum opus, by the time he was 21. Many know Gauss for his outstanding mental ability – quoted to have added the numbers 1 to 100 within seconds whilst attending primary school (with the aid of a clever trick). The local Duke, recognizing his talent, sent him to Collegium Carolinum before he left for Gottingen (at the time it was the most prestigious mathematical university in the world, with many of the best attending). After graduating in 1798 (at the age of 22), he began to make several important contributions in major areas of mathematics, most notably number theory (especially on Prime numbers). He went on to prove the fundamental theorem of algebra, and introduced the Gaussian gravitational constant in physics, as well as much more – all this before he was 24! Needless to say, he continued his work up until his death at the age of 77, and had made major advances in the field which have echoed down through time.

1 Leonhard Euler
If Gauss is the Prince, Euler is the King. Living from 1707 to 1783, he is regarded as the greatest mathematician to have ever walked this planet. It is said that all mathematical formulas are named after the next person after Euler to discover them. In his day he was ground breaking and on par with Einstein in genius. His primary (if that’s possible) contribution to the field is with the introduction of mathematical notation including the concept of a function (and how it is written as f(x)), shorthand trigonometric functions, the ‘e’ for the base of the natural logarithm (The Euler Constant), the Greek letter Sigma for summation and the letter ‘/i’ for imaginary units, as well as the symbol pi for the ratio of a circles circumference to its diameter. All of which play a huge bearing on modern mathematics, from the every day to the incredibly complex.
As well as this, he also solved the Seven Bridges of Koenigsberg problem in graph theory, found the Euler Characteristic for connecting the number of vertices, edges and faces of an object, and (dis)proved many well known theories, too many to list. Furthermore, he continued to develop calculus, topology, number theory, analysis and graph theory as well as much, much more – and ultimately he paved the way for modern mathematics and all its revelations. It is probably no coincidence that industry and technological developments rapidly increased around this time.


OSAKA, Japan — Hundreds of people in Japan have died and large swaths of land are on fire or under water after the country’s biggest earthquake on record struck the northeast coast this afternoon, triggering tsunami waves as high as 33 feet.
The 8.9-magnitude quake rocked buildings hundreds of miles to the south, sending petrified office workers into the streets in search of safety.
Transport services were crippled in large parts of northern Japan, while millions of homes suffered power outages. The self-defense forces said that between 60,000 and 70,000 people had been evacuated to 200 shelters in Sendai.
It is too early to gauge the true extent of the devastation but footage from the worst-hit regions suggest the death toll could climb dramatically in the coming days.
International agencies, meanwhile, have issued tsunami alerts across the region amid fears that the waves could engulf low-lying Pacific islands.
Several hours after the earthquake — the fifth strongest recorded anywhere in the world in the past century — police in Sendai said 200 to 300 bodies had been found after a neighborhood was overwhelmed by a wall of water.
A further 88 people have been confirmed dead and another 349 are missing.
The government declared a nuclear power emergency after reports that the cooling system at a nuclear facility in Fukushima prefecture, north of Tokyo, had malfunctioned. About 3,000 people living nearby have been evacuated, but officials in Tokyo said there was no immediate threat of a radiation leak. The International Atomic Energy Agency said all nuclear power plants in the affected area had shut down safely.
Flames could be seen leaping hundreds of feet into the air from an oil refinery in Chiba, northeast of the capital, while a major explosion was reported at a petrochemical complex in Miyagi prefecture.
Speaking to reporters after an emergency cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Naoto Kan said every effort would be made to “save the country,” and urged people to “stay calm.”
"The earthquake has caused major damage in broad areas in northern Japan," he said. ''Our government will make all-out efforts to secure people's safety and minimize the damage caused by the earthquake.”
Yukio Edano, the chief cabinet secretary, said: "Our initial assessment indicates that there has already been enormous damage. We will make maximum relief effort based on that assessment."
Thousands of Japanese self-defense force personnel are heading to the quake zone and Japan has accepted offers of help from U.S. military forces based in the country.
Rolling news coverage broadcast apocalyptic scenes of swaths of farmland in Sendai, nearly 200 miles north of Tokyo, being eaten up by a 30-foot-high tsunami. The wall of muddy water swept up homes, cars and even large boats in port as it continued its relentless journey inland.
Local media reports said the quake, which has been followed by as many as 50 strong aftershocks, has sparked at least 80 fires in cities and towns along a 1,300-mile-long stretch of coastline.
Tsunami warnings remain in place along Japan’s entire eastern coastline, while meteorological officials have said that the region can expect strong tremors in the coming hours and days.
An unknown number of people are missing after a train was reportedly engulfed by incoming waters, and a ship carrying 100 people has been swept out to sea.
In Tokyo, thousands of spooked office workers faced a night in evacuation shelters after the quake crippled subway and train services. Bullet trains to the north of Japan have been cancelled and air services remain sketchy across the country.
“There was a great rattling as things started to fall off the shelves in my office,” Chris Bunting, a British resident of Tokyo, told GlobalPost. “Some of the other staff were yelping. Others of a more practical frame of mind were trying to hold the moveable things down. I just stood rooted to the spot.
“After the room stopped rattling, everyone in my ninth floor office started trying to get in touch with their families and friends. The telephone and mobile networks were down, but the internet seemed to be working. I eventually managed to contact my pregnant wife, who is due in a couple of weeks, by email chat.”
Japan was also counting the potential financial cost of the earthquake, fearing a repeat of the chaos that followed the Kobe earthquake in January 1995, in which more than 6,400 people died.
The Bank of Japan said it would act quickly to stabilize markets after the yen fell against the dollar and euro in the minutes after the earthquake. The Nikkei stock index, meanwhile, fell to a five-week low, but the Tokyo stock exchange will open for business as usual on Monday.
Jefferies International Limited, a global investment banking group, said overall losses could reach $10 billion.
The earthquake struck at 2:46 p.m. local time and registered magnitude 8.9, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. It the biggest to hit the country since records began in the late 1800s.
Japan's northeast Pacific coast is particularly vulnerable to earthquakes — residents were reminded of that when a smaller tremor shook the area earlier this week but caused no damage or injuries. An 8.1 quake in 1933 killed more than 3,000 people in the area.
Japan is one of the world’s most seismically active countries, accounting for about a fifth of all quakes worldwide of magnitude 6 or greater. The country’s worst earthquake occurred in 1923, killing 143,000 people in Tokyo and surrounding areas.
While there was little anyone could do to prevent the devastation wreaked on the coastline, Japan’s strict building regulations and the generally high level of earthquake readiness among its 127 million people have almost certainly prevented an even greater catastrophe.

Aviation Industry in India

Overview of Airlines industry in India

Airlines industry in India The aviation industry in India is one of those sectors that saw a constant pace of growth among the other industries in the world over the past many years. The open sky policy of the government has helped a lot of overseas players entering the aviation market in India. From then, it has only been growing in terms of players and the number of aircrafts. At present, private airlines account for around 75% portion of the domestic aviation market.

The 9th largest aviation market in the world is India. Taking the help of the statistics from the Ministry of Civil Aviation, approximately 29.8 million passengers traveled to/from India in 2008, showing a surge of 30% from 2007. The prediction stated that international passengers will touch 50 million by 2015. More opportunities in the aviation industry in India are likely to make way for about 69 foreign airlines from 49 countries.

Growth of Indian Aviation industry
The Indian Civil Aviation market grew at a CAGR of 18%, being valued round US$ 5.6 billion in 2008. Further statistics revealed that the air traffic in August 2009 was a double digit figure. The domestic airliners flew 3.67 million passengers in August 2009, as against 2.92 million in the corresponding period of 2007, up by 26%. The Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation (CAPA) has estimated that the domestic traffic will go up by 25% to 30% till 2010 along with a surge in the international traffic by 15%. There would be more than 100 million passengers by 2010. Then again by 2020, Indian airports will in all probability handle over 100 million passengers every year. The investment plans to the tune of US$ 9 billion has been made by the Aviation Ministry for modernizing the existing airports by 2010.

In terms of domestic passengers' volume, US have always been the leader with followers in the league like China, Japan and India. The number of domestic flights went up by 69% from 2005 to 2008, with the domestic aviation sector growing at 9-10%.

Market share of key players in the Indian aviation sector

Name of the players Market Share
Kingfisher Airlines and Kingfisher Red (previously Air Deccan) 28%
Jet Airways and Jet Lite (previously Air Sahara) 25%
Air India and Indian (previously Indian Airlines) 16%
IndiGo 14%
SpiceJet 12%
GoAir 3%
Paramount Airways 2%
MDLR Airlines 0.004%

Future of Airlines industry in India
The challenges of the Indian aviation industry are cited below:
  • Passenger traffic is estimated to grow at a CAGR of over 15% in the coming few years.
  • The Ministry of Civil Aviation would handle around 280 million passengers by 2020.
  • US$ 110 billion investment is envisaged till 2020 with US$ 80 billion solely for new aircraft and US$ 30 billion for developing the airport infrastructure.

Automobile Industry in India

Industry background

Driving the most luxurious car has been made possible by the stiff competition in the automobile industry in India, with overseas players gathering the same momentum as the domestic participants.

Every other day, we have been hearing about some new launches, some low cost cars – all customized in a manner such that the common man is not left behind. In 2009, the automobile industry is expected to see a growth rate of around 9%, with the disclaimer that the auto industry in India has been hit badly by the ongoing global financial crisis.
The automobile industry in India happens to be the ninth largest in the world. Following Japan, South Korea and Thailand, in 2009, India emerged as the fourth largest exporter of automobiles. Several Indian automobile manufacturers have spread their operations globally as well, asking for more investments in the Indian automobile sector by the MNCs.
Potential of the Automobile industry
In 2008, Hyundai Motors alone exported 240,000 cars made in India. Nissan Motors plans to export 250,000 vehicles manufactured in its India plant by 2011. Similar plans are for General Motors.

Turnover of Automobile Manufacturers(In USD Million)
Year In USD Million
2002-03 14,880
2003-04 16,544
2004-05 20,896
2005-06 27,011
2006-07 34,285

The figures show that the automobile sector in India has been growing robustly. The market shares of the different types of vehicles will clearly depict the demand pattern in this sector.

Domestic Market Share for 2008-09
Passenger Vehicles 15.96%
Commercial Vehicles 3.95%
Three Wheelers 3.6%
Two Wheelers 76.49%

Notable Multi-national automobile manufacturers
Locally manufactured automobiles of MNCs
  • Audi: A4, A6.
  • BMW: 3 Series, 5 Series.
  • Chevrolet: Spark, Aveo U-VA, Aveo, Optra, Cruze, Tavera.
  • Fiat: Palio, Grande Punto, Linea.
  • Ford: Ikon, Fiesta, Fusion, Endeavour
  • Honda: Jazz, City, Civic, Accord.
  • Hyundai: Santro, i10, Getz, i20, Accent, Verna, Sonata.
  • Mercedes-Benz: C-Class, E-Class
  • Mitsubishi: Lancer, Lancer Cedia.
  • Renault: Logan
  • škoda: Fabia, Octavia, Laura.
  • Toyota: Corolla, Innova, Fortuner
  • Volkswagen: Jetta, Passat.
Cars sold in India as Completely Built Units

  • Audi: A8, TT, R8, Q5, Q7.
  • Bentley: Arnage, Continental GT, Continental Flying Spur, Arnage.
  • BMW: 6 Series, 7 Series, X3, X5, X6, M3, M5, M6 and Z4.
  • Chevrolet: Captiva
  • Fiat: 500.
  • Honda: Civic Hybrid, CR-V.
  • Hyundai: Tucson.
  • Jaguar: XF, XK.
  • Lamborghini: Gallardo, Murciélago.
  • Land Rover: Range Rover, Range Rover Sport, Discovery 4, Freelander 2.
  • Maybach: 57 and 62.
  • Mercedes-Benz: CL-Class, CLS-Class, S-Class, SL-Class, SLK-Class, M-Class, Viano.
  • Mitsubishi: Pajero, Montero, Outlander.
  • Nissan: Teana, X-Trail.
  • Porsche: 911, Boxter, Panamera, Cayman, Cayenne.
  • Rolls Royce: Ghost, Phantom, Phantom Coupé, Phantom Drophead Coupé.
  • škoda: Superb.
  • Suzuki: Grand Vitara.
  • Toyota: Camry, Land Cruiser, Land Cruiser Prado.
  • Volkswagen: Touareg.
  • Volvo: S80, XC90.

Top ten financial institutions of the world

By greater optimism and assurances by America, major part of the world succumbed to globalization and WTC agreements. American companies, for their profit, encouraged the buying habits of people in the globe, and people, by high yielding soft-ware professions etc, were attracted by the glittering style of posh materials, adopted the stylish life. In order to get export orders for certain products, and get outsourcing contracts, allowed foreign companies( most of which were from America) to do their business in other countries.Especially Third –world countries were easily fooled by these assurances. Banking institutions and financial institutions lent credits for such purchases.By such mis-directed encouragements, finance institutions turned out to be just credit institutions.
And now, the result is before us .Economy of U.S.A. Underwent a regression. As there had established an interlink, other countries in the world also are suffering a setback in their economy. Thousands of people in India also have lost their jobs in last one year. But now, the shock is being subsided. But it takes years to come, to set the track on the right path.
Now, many banks and financial institutions have gone ashtray. But those who dealt cautiously throughout their life, have still survived and are making profits. ECONOMY WATCH AND THE ECONOMIST institution has recently conducted a detailed study of the conditions of the surviving financial institutions and on the basis of their assets, quality of business and service, moneyflow, and fiscal management etc,and has recognized the following companies as the BEST TEN financial institutions in the world.
That list is narrated here for the benefit of those interested in Economics, and share markets. This is purely with academic interest.
Financial companies should be carefully selected while making  credits or transactions. Otherwise, we will be in difficulties.


The company with its head office in New York has been to make out a huge profit of $ 2.1 billion, in the first quarter of the year 2009.It has branches in 50 countries , including India.This has good experience in off-shore banking and financing in stock markets.


This 150 years old organization has its head office in Zurich, Switzerland. This is now the world Bank In the first Quarter of the year 2009, it got the profit of 200 crores Swiss Francs.


This institution with its head office in New York, has made a profit of $3.23 per share in the first quarter of this year. This was established in 1869 And now it has branches in many important countries in the world, including India.


This American Company provides services in managing properties and finances. Established in 1985, this company had suffered a huge loss of $82.7 crores in the last quarter of 2008. But it recovered so intelligently that in the first quarter of 2009. the loss came down to only $ 9.3 . It is sure that in later quarters of 2009, the insttuition has definitely made profits.


This bank with its head office in Syantender in Spain, is one of the oldest banks in the world. Established in 1857, this bank made a profit of 2100 crores of Euro Dollars.

6 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.

It is the ‘Banking Giant of the world’.Has its central office in Beijing, the capital of China. .It is under the complete control of the government.It has the property worth $ 89300 crores.It is giant, considering the market value.


Has its central office in London, this is functioning in more than 70 countries in the world.,including India. It gets most of its income from Afri8can and Middle –East countries.


This bank has its head office in Utretch, in Holland. It is basically a co-operative financial institution.It is mainly depending on Agricultural income.


This, having its head office in New York, is mainly a property managing and security peroviding organization.The total assets value of this institution is $19.5,0000 crores.


This has its head office in Paris, France. This is th4 no.1 banking organization in Europe. it is now progressing in Asia and America also. It has gained a profit of 155 Euro Dollars in the first quarter of 2009
  Now a days, internet banking is a common feature. It has so many good advantages. But, man can cheat even automated machines.Such acts have caused hardships to some banks.
Thus, it is the careful management and not getting blown away by the popularity gimmicks, that enables companies to survive and keep up their promises to people.